We offer 2 booking options, one is GoCatch, we understand that a number of you are experiencing difficulty in booking, if so please go to our other booking system, Squarespace. On day bookings are only available on Squarespace.
Take some time away from the fast pace of the day. Benefiting from two lakes there is plenty to choose from at Willow Lake (our larger lake) which covers approximately one acre, and Pear Lake (currently under renovation) covering just under half an acre. Both are clay lined and naturally fed from the local water course
Click the links above for some tips and advice together with simple but important skills for every angler
Flexible start times (max 2 rods per booking) - £10.75
Flexible start times.
OAP and Junior (max 2 rods per booking) - £8.75
Afternoon ticket
(max 2 rods per booking) 3pm until dusk - £6.75
Don't forget your pellets - only available through Squarespace
Fishing pellets are available for sale at £4.00 per 2 kilo and £2.50 per 1 kilo. The Pellets can be added as an extra through Squarespace, but need to be purchased separately if booking with GoCatch through the link below
Click the book fishing link below (or scan the QR code), confirm the number of anglers, check the availability and book your slot through GoCatch
Go-Catch App
Having problems with the Go-Catch app - click the link below for instructions on how to create your account